Friday, December 28, 2007

eBook Publishers: Sell The Same Product As Everyone Else – And Make Yours The One People Buy!

Resell rights are such a good idea, they cost so little, provide an unlimited number of new products to sell, with web sites, and marketing materials. But there's a snag: the best attract many resellers, and high competition for you! These few easy steps will cut your competition to zero and distinguish your offer from thousands of other people selling much the same product.

It takes time and money, not to mention intuition and an element of luck to find that once-in-a-lifetime product that generates fast income for you. More likely you'll start small with a few profitable products, while learning the business, and generating a steady income from which to plough profits back into UPD (Unique Product Development).

Obtaining resell rights - sometimes called a license depending on what rights you actually obtain - in other people's products is a good place to start. For a usually small investment, often less than $50, you can promote the product, make copies, take money and fulfill orders for products developed by others and keep up to 100% of the takings.

But there's a snag: that small investment for a popular product complete with web site and marketing materials might attract many resellers, and high competition for you!

What's the Solution?

Simple: you move outside the main frame and look for ways to distinguish your offer from others selling the very same product.
Tip! Price your personal growth and health books lower than the specific how-to books. Shorter eBooks such as 10-30 pages will easily go for $7.

Let's look at a few easy ways to do this.

#1 Sell to Different People - Reach Outside the Main Pool of Prospects

Many marketers are targeting the exact same audience, give or take ten per cent or so new arrivals and recent departures from the main pool of opportunity seekers and mass market buyers.

Unsurprisingly, there are millions more people wanting the very same products that you and hundreds of other firms are selling. Few marketers even try to reach those people, despite the relatively simple procedures involved.
Tip! An ebook maker that anyone purchases should be easy to use and shouldn't require special knowledge.

Let's consider ways for you to reach markets others don't know about or which involves work they prefer to avoid!

- Target different advertising sources. While lazier marketers follow the crowd by advertising in well-known magazines and ezines, you can channel your efforts into locating little-known advertising sources where you could have the entire market to yourself. Study ‘Willings' Press Guide', available in all good reference libraries, which lists most worldwide publications, including many little-known titles with high subscriber rates, for you to target with advertisements, articles, and such.

- Promote your products on and off the Internet while the majority of your competitors focus their efforts online. It's a fact: a great many second generation resell rights products come via lazier marketers who, if it doesn't sell online, would rather go out of business than seek alternative places to sell. Few will ever create their own offline sales letters and promotional materials, so the entire offline market remains wide open for more creative promoters.
Tip! Using the eBook as the focus on your business you can easily expand the goods and services you offer to your clients and customers.

- Work hard at compiling your own database of enquirers and buyers, both on and off the Internet. Gather those names in a unique way, say by offering a report available only from you, in which case your database is different to anyone else's. Then use resell rights as your back end products which many on your list may not have seen previously.

- Use different mailing lists. Ask your list broker, on and off the Internet, for a list that has not been used for your particular offer. Naturally, some prospects will be on several lists, research suggests up to twenty per cent. But eighty per cent will be viewing your product for the very first time. Warning: don't be complacent, act fast, before all good mailing lists are exhausted by rival sellers asking much the same question.
Tip! Self-employment as an eBook author brings with it tax benefits you may not otherwise have had. Expanding a business around your expert status as a published author, allows you to “profit” from the experience.

#2 Create Your Own Advertisements

Many resell rights packages include ads. for others to use to promote the products. And that's exactly what most other people will do, most of the time! Namely, promote the very same products as everyone else, using the very same ads. as everyone else! Silly! And the reason they do so is because it takes time and effort to create a refreshingly unique advertisement that lifts your product above the crowd. Don't make the same mistake: get creative, and profit!
Tip! ) Your eBooks are 100% profit.

Warning: If you must use the same ads. as your competitors, at least look for different places to advertise. Be careful, though, and never assume you've found a medium others know nothing about. It could be that new place you've found to advertise has already been tried by them, and found not to work! Test, test, test, before assuming you're onto a winner!

#3 Create Your Own Sales Letters

There's an art to writing sales letters, one few people take time to learn, which can lift sales of your product to new, quite unexpected, and very profitable heights. There's nothing difficult about writing sales letters, even if they don't compare to those from the world's top copywriters. Remember, you're not in it to win writing awards, you're in it to make money! And learning how to write your own original sales letters will help you accomplish your goal. You can find a free guide to creating great sales letter at my web site mentioned later.
Tip! You will have access to a world-wide audience via the Internet 24/7 so your book store is always open. You will be amazed when you get downloads of your eBook from 100+ countries and you realize just how small the world really is.

#4 Create Your Own Web Site

As for advertisements, most better resell rights packages include ready-to-go web sites for you to edit and upload and start taking orders in minutes. But hold back a while!

While rival sellers are uploading their identical web sites, you should start work on creating your own.

Let those rival companies set the pace and develop public awareness for your product. Bear in mind that most potential buyers your rivals target are on several ezine and mailing lists and in very short time they'll see the same promotion again and again ….. until the whole thing is so boringly stale.
Tip! An “ordinary” person becomes an “extraordinary” person by authoring an eBook. Authoring is a transformational process.

But a new advertisement in their email box, a new web site to link to, and yes, you're the one they buy from now, even though your letter is last in line!

#5 Repackage For Even Bigger Profits

Repackaging means using other people's products as the basis of your own unique offer. Consider these ideas:

- Bundle items with no special theme or concept other than offering a high value product at a bargain price. Bundle lots of books together about making money on eBay, for instance, or making money from home; bundle books about mystery shopping, air courier travel, house sitting, and call it something like ‘Living Free'.
Tip! Create saleable reports from the data used to create eBook. Sell reports through advertising spots on your website promoting FREE reports.

- Bundle items with a connecting or specific theme to appeal to a wide market audience. The subject must appeal to most people, most of the time, for example: making money, saving money, winning valuable prizes, finding friendship and love.

- Repackage for a niche market and watch cash pile into your bank account. A niche market, potentially the most profitable of all, is one whose members share a clearly defined interest, preferably an all-consuming passion, like collecting teddy bears, breeding dogs from show class stock, staging magic shows, traveling the world in a mobile home making money as they go. Niche markets are usually easy to reach; their members join the same clubs, read the same magazines and, more than this, they are avid buyers of virtually any new product based on their special subject. In short, a marketers' dream come true!

- Bundle products and give a great title that might prove more appealing than contents themselves. There are books with titles so compelling that sales rocket purely on the strength of the title. Who could resist buying ‘The Sensuous Dieter's Guide to Weight Loss During Sex' or ‘Screw The Bitch: Divorce Tactics for Men'. With new titles, otherwise sluggish products can quickly hit the best sellers list. So test new titles for all your offerings, new and long-standing.
Tip! Make extra profit selling updated versions of your eBook after you publish the FREE eBook online for readers to read. Be sure to include examples of excerpts from the updated version to encourage them to purchase your book.

- Add something unique. Often that unique item attracts buyers more than the main offer and will indeed make yours the product people rush to buy. The trick is to offer something that raises the perceived value of the product, and makes the main item more useful, more enjoyable, more profitable.

- Add bonuses to whatever you are selling, especially items that cost little to produce, and are not available from any other source. So I might offer a selection of resell rights titles about self-publishing and marketing eBooks on the Internet, to which I'll add a short report, written by me, called ‘How I Made $$$ (convert to any other suitable currency) In My First Year Selling Books Online'. But I won't offer resell rights to my report, I'll keep it to myself, so my hypothetical book ‘The Self-Publishing Goldmine', most of which is available from hundreds of different companies, can only be obtained in complete format from me.
Tip! ) Self-published eBooks DO sell and create that added income while you're waiting for your print books to sell.

Use bonuses that can never be obtained in their own right and will never be offered for sale. Similar to those earlier examples, but here I make a big thing of the bonus item, emphasizing it is not available from any other source. I could even make the bonus the main reason people buy the repackaged package by adding something with genuine, high perceived value which buyers will use and only I can supply, such as an hour's free telephone consultation, or a bonus report that's exclusively mine.
Tip! Write your eBook's introduction. Include the problem your audience has, why you wrote the book, and its purpose.

- Use the bundle to sell something else. Very often your repackaged item can be used to sell something people might not otherwise buy which is available from many other sources. The bundle might attract subscribers to your ezine or membership site or invite orders for another information product or some unrelated item.

#6 Establish An Affiliate Program For Your Product

You can package several titles and establish an affiliate program that might be inappropriate for stand-alone resell rights packages. ClickBank, for example, operates an extremely user friendly affiliate program for instant download products, but only if you are the originator of the product or you own full copyright, or have rights to do so as part of your resell license. You must never assume it's okay to sell someone else's stand-alone product through other people, whether as affiliates or agents.
Tip! Lastly, don't forget to check the system requirements. You probably wouldn't want to change your operating system run an Ebook.

So you shouldn't promote a stand-alone product created by someone else through ClickBank's affiliate process without permission. But you can very profitably offer your own repackaged product, using other people's resell rights titles, and preferably adding something exclusive such as a report you've compiled yourself and giving the package a wonderful name that captures the imagination of thousands of buyers and affiliates.

#7 Be a Creative Marketer

Remember, many resellers are lazy, looking to make a quick buck, not really interested in long-term selling that involves planning, creating, testing, and the naughtiest four-letter word of all - work!

He - or she - doesn't want to, and by implication, YOU DO WANT TO:
Tip! Being in control of the entire eBook authoring process is both a blessing and a curse. You don't have to take orders and direction from anyone else.

- Write articles to promote a resell rights title. Do this by reading the book yourself before attempting to sell unless you are also the writer. You should always familiarize yourself with contents to check quality is suitable for your customers and to determine what legal contract exists between you and the provider. You might also be asked questions by potential buyers and it won't look good if you don't have the answers! Include a link in the article for readers to visit your site to buy the product and offer your articles free to online and print publications in exchange for a free ad. or resource box.
Tip! You become involved in an adventure in creative writing, eBook technology, communication skills and building relationships.

- Write a book review, much like an article, but often shorter, with lots of bullet points that editors find hard to resist. A long list of bullet points gives editors a choice of which to use and which to omit, so making the editing task faster and easier.

- Write a press release for print and online publications. Again lots of bullet points let editors choose as many or as few points as necessary for features and fillers of varying size. The more time and effort you save editors, the more likely your articles, book reviews and press releases will be selected for publication.
Tip! While marketing and selling your eBook you are also marketing and selling yourself. You are creating a Brand of both the eBook and yourself.

- Find novel ways to advertise your product, such as running a competition to generate enquiries and sales for your product.

To illustrate:

- The author of Masquerade gave clues in the book to the site of buried treasure worth thousands of pounds. Obviously, only book buyers could enter and it seems countless thousands of copies were sold before the treasure was found.

- A recent book about entering prize competitions was promoted alongside a competition open purely to buyers of the book. Again, sales soared for the book with competition compared to the previous book only presentation.

Footnote: Always check what you are entitled to do with resell rights titles as condition vary between books, between countries, between authors.

Avril Harper is the webmaster of

Avril Harper is a business writer and triple eBay PowerSeller and webmaster of She has produced several free guides to making money from resell rights titles - which you can download with other freely distributable reports and eBooks at

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